Free Hand.
While this isn't the easiest option, it is the one that requires the least amount of equipment or set up time.
You can use a fancy script from your computer, or write your own. The letters will need to connect and should look flowing. You will then want to print it out (or draw it out) and use this as a template. It is a good idea to have a few different pliers with different shaped noses for easier manipulation. You will want wire in a color that you like and in a 20 or 18 gauge. You will then want to cut a 12-18 inch wire depending on the size of the piece and the length of the name. You will then want to start at one end and bend a small portion over to leave an nice rounded end there. Next lay the wire on the template and slowly bend it into shape. You will need to back track and should do this slowly to make sure that you are going in the right direction.
You will need to go slowly and check your template often. You can then fold then end over when you are done. If you have rough edges you can use a wire file and gently file the pointy parts to make them smooth.
Your Own Template.
You can draw or print out your template, but instead of working it free hand place the template on a board. Use medium sized nails to trace along the template. Then gently wrap your wire around the nails. You will want to be careful to make sure that when you back track you are still coming up with something clear, and beautiful. You can also file any sharp edges to make for a smooth finish.
Peg Board.
As wire jewelry has become more and more popular, you can now find simple peg boards. This will let you place the pegs simply in the wholes. It is harder to get a really flowing script this way as the pegs will be placed somewhere on the square board. However, this is simple and easy to use again and again.
No matter which way you are going to use, this can be easy and simple. It can be a lot of fun. You can use any color of wire that you wish and you can attach it using wire, glue, or threads. Whatever you desire. If you are using a coated wire then you should be careful not to scrap the colored coating off leaving the wire color beneath. You should make sure all edges are smooth and it won't hurt anyone. You can use these pieces to have a lot of fun. Thinner wires can be used for smaller forms and names, however it won't be as strong and may be easy to bend. Have fun, use your imagination, and add shapes and names to a lot of great jewelry for free or little cost.
Learn more about this author, Danelle Karth.
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